Friday, March 24, 2017

Organizational Culture Moral and Leadership Moral

Organizational Culture Moral and Leadership Moral

Date: 24/03/2017

Leadership has become norm in training, conferences, seminars, book publishing and corporate training and professional certification programs. Leadership is a very needed a powerful tool corporate use to maintain its survival and success in the global completion, recently the world and business are facing leadership problem where leaders supply is short and demand is high, this create problems for both the political and business field. For that reason corporate are investing and even the business are making benefit from this shortage by providing so many leadership programs even online, which resulted in publishing ,many books about leadership and so many stories have been share about leadership in business world today.

The one that catch my attention is the furloughs  story, this story where the CEO was facing a decision to layoff workers or to cut off wages to face the financial crisis, but after long discussion he decide to let the workers take the decision and he inform them about the situation and decision and to choose, the workers thought of their families and debts but yet they thought of those who will be layoff without income, so they decide to take leaves without pay in turns for those who have enough in their saving to make it, after a while they save for the company double the amount they expected, this story is always told for leadership moral and lesson learned which I really find it excellent, but most of storytellers miss the other side of this story.

Although the CEO showed a role model in leadership moral but the workers who took the decision also showed other moral side in the company, those workers would not take that decision without a reason behind it, what could be that reason other than thinking of their fellow's workers? It’s the organizational culture, a company that has a CEO let workers make a critical decision decently has an organizational culture that promote other excellent moral thinking, practices and behaviors,  the organizational moral here plays very important aspect as the leadership did, it was obvious that the workers before the financial crisis have strong believes about their company that its worth saving and in the same time they do not want to save it on the cost of their fellows workers, they saw that the suffering of all will lead to all success yet they might let some of them suffer but in the end they will all suffer and the company might not be saved, this kind of thinking is promoted only by strong and practices organizational culture that lead to this result.

There are many stories about the organizational culture moral that can be found in books and life, in the end wither you are looking for good leadership, talented employees, creative and innovative employees, problem solvers or behavioral, it’s the culture the organization promote, support, practice, follow and role model by top management who can provide all these and other organizational need, organizational culture can play very important role in the crisis the organization face if it was relevant, strong, adapted by all and invested well by top management.

To make sure that you have organizational culture that is strong, relevant, adopted by all the following points can help in this matter:

1.       Organization mission, values and vision: the organization culture must reflect the mission of the organization the purpose that organization exist for and employees work for without clear mission and embedded in the organization culture it will not make strong and relevant. In addition the culture must reflect the values of the organization each organization has its own values that it could in a way or another similar but there is always different in the interpretation and practices depends on the industry and other influences factors, the values play very important role in crafting the organizational culture since it will emphasize on the believes and expectation of all employees. the vision where the company going ahead in future is also a factor must be considered in  crafting the culture since it will use as a guide and measure to make sure that all employees behave, think practice and act towards fulfilling this vision.
2.       Top management support: top management play very important role in supporting organizational culture not just by crafting and approving but also by being role model for other employees support the practice in situations where it must reflect the values and believes the culture embedded, also in crisis the top management must not forget their culture especially when it comes of strategic decision that affect the organization and employees future it must reflect the culture by all means.
3.       Middle management and supervisors: organizational culture mostly practiced in the lower level of the organization, no matter how much the top management support the organizational culture if the middle management and supervisors are not reflecting and practicing and providing the environment for the culture it will not be adapted and embedded in employee daily performance and behavior. Top management must make sure that middle management and supervisors are adopting and practicing the organizational culture and providing the environment for their employees to practice it if this fail the culture will not be successful not because its wrong or irrelevant but because there is a subculture that took place by the middle and supervisors that made the organization fail to reflect the values mission and vision which resulted in employees low moral, low performance and high turnover because of the conflict of what top management state and support and middle management and supervisors practice.

Organizational culture is a key that successful organization pay attention to it and make it work for them and for the employees joining them aboard, organizational culture is the physiological contract that attract, retain and motivate employees to fulfill organization mission and vision.

Mohamed Alzayani
Assoc.CIPD and Assoc.IHRME Certified ROI for human capital development