Wednesday, October 24, 2018

SPOTS Short for Strategy Plan on Top of Shelf

Some believe that the strategy is to compile the plans, objectives, indicators and initiatives of the main sectors of the organization and put them in the balance score card (BSC) and thus have a strategy to achieve the vision and mission.

In fact, the reality is different, because the strategy usually end up on the shelf because every sector in the organization works for itself, and the (BSC) is just the tool assembled those plans and objectives in a fancy way.

Some organizations are integrating human resources into the (BSC) adding HR strategy to the tool,  isolated from other sectors that are basically working to achieve organization goals and need human resources integration to achieve them, thus the strategy become very fancy but huge and chaos everyone is just running but no one know for what and how to work togather and being of the road of the vision and mission.

To avoid this chaos there are some suggestions for organizations to be considered in forming strategy:

1- Adopting a clear vision and mission for the organization from leaders and senior management, explaining it and convincing all employees to adopt and achieve it.

2 - Communicate the vision and mission with logos (logic), ethos (ethics), Pathos (emotion) to all employees to practoce it in daily work..

3 - The sectors translate the strategy into goals, initiatives, action plans,  and development to achieve the strategy and develop indicators for measurement.

4 - The human resources share their point of view and experience with leaders and sectors on how to achieve the strategy according to the current situation in the organization regarding competencies rediness, human capital availability, cultrual challenges, work environment, potential and expertise to achieve those goals and initiatives .

5 - Human resources translate the sector strategy into a plan of action and initiatives, improve, develop and support change in organizational culture to achieve strategy and vision.

6 -  Human resources contribute to support sectors through distinguished services, initiatives, achieve strategy.

7 - Human resources work on the continuous development on services deliverd to employees and sectors and measure the indicators to make the required change in a positive and proactive manner rather than a reaction.

This is some of strategic HR benefits for any organization in regards to fulfill strategy and achieve vision and mission.

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