With today advance technology and scene human mind and Neurology research and studies reveals many facts and corrected some ideas on how human mind work and learn.
These facts and discoveries also changed and affected training and trainers way of delivering, therefore knowing about human mind today for trainers has become the second techniques needed for professional trainers so they can deliver successful and beneficiary training experience.
Scientists have discover that human mind has short-term memory and long-term memory like computer which previously known as conscious and unconscious mind.
The second technique depends on the research of the science of mind and Neurology.
Scientists divide the mind into sections, the logic mind, the emotional mind, the reptilian mind.
The logic mind is responsible for thinking, analyzing through the reception of information from the five senses and the emotional mind responsible for the translation of emotions, feelings and sensibilities, the reptilian mind responsible for protecting the human from the risks, survival, self-defense and take the place of logic mind at a glance in case of danger, that explain why a person get angry, aggressive and defensive.
The scientists discovered that the three minds are linked through neurons and the more the neurons get stronger through practicing and experience relating it to emotional the ability of a person to remember the information and skills increase and vise versa the weaker the neurons it will decrease the ability of a person to remember information and skills.
Therefore, when we target the logic mind and emotional mind, we target is short-term memory which needs repeatedly to create a strong neurons to remember and relate to emotions.
When the experience is severe and dangerous, the reptilian mind takes the leadership from the logic mind and create a strong neuron with the emotional mind that is why painful and frightening, and great pleasure experiences are easily remembered.
Trainer in the training room needs to make the participants comfortable and relax state to make them ready for learning and apply the of adult learning in his training delivery keeping in mind that participants need to make their own experience to in training room by practicing the knowledge and skills repeatedly to create a strong neuron experience and relate both logic and emotional mind with the learning experience, as well encouraging the participants to practice it after the training to make the neurons stronger with more experience of logic and emotional mind.
When the trainer uses tools to create a nice atmosphere, but it is difficult for participants to understand how to link a game or fun exercise or funny material with training and learning objectives it will distract the logic mind from benefiting form the training experience because the it will only target the emotional mind which will create a neurons that only remember good funny memory.
Conversely, if the trainer focuses only on the logic mind and make the session dull and painful, the emotional mind will not work and thus will create or strengthen the neurons to remember information related to pain which will be hard to retract it since the pain will always be attached to it.
If the session becomes a muddle and sharp it will trigger the reptilian mind which will turn the participant into a defense and anger this will increase the conflict and argument and turn the training room into battle field which will make the other participants not comfortable as well and make the training experience for all painful and loss the benefit.
Trainers today has huge responsibility to prepare and equip themselves with the right and proper trainer competencies and experience than what was known before.
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