Monday, November 5, 2018

B Is The New A Players In Organization

Usually organizations focuses on outstanding performers who have the talent, skills, ability to achieve goals and meet the challenges they are known as A players.

Then come the category of experienced and skilled, who have the ability and probability to achieve the goals and possess a certain amount of knowledge and often achieve a proportion of expectations they are known as B players.

Then comes the category of low performers who lack the experience and skills to perform the work or have a pattern of thinking that generates negative behavior towards work and achievement of goals or may be miss matched with work in the first place and they are known as as C players.

These classification are known by there is nothing new in them but organizations that practice automatic behavior by focusing on the segment of excellence in achieving the goals which is A players they represent the smallest segment from the employee and this is often at the expense of the larger segment and they have the ability to be distinguish which is B players. Thus, the organization will limit its ability to excel by focusing on few especially that the winners often get attractive offers and leave a vacant in the otganization that need to be recruited which meean more costs, in addition exhaustion the top performers to achieve results will lead to unhealthy work envioronment and they might leave or worse be stressed. 

On the other side poor performance are neglected by the organization and try to pressure and threats to raise the level of performance and do not look at the reasons that can be resolved to turn into a high performance by care, attention, support and right guidance, which will result in activating more capabilities also being the smallest segment they usually been neglected  and this turn to affecting the detriment of the rest of the employees and the work environment of the organization and wasting resources .

Conclusion B players is the real organization investment, the successor of A players, and the solution of C players' problems, which saves organizations resources and reduces conflicts and conflicts in the workplace.

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